
Does Your Company Have A CVO$%:

What's a CVO$%: It's a Chief Visionary Officer, the person who defines, communicates, and implements the vision of the company. The CVO creates the vision of what the company can become, communicates that vision both internally (to the staff and stakeholders) and externally (to clients and prospects). The CVO motivates others to see that the vision is important, worth the effort, and then tracks progress the company makes towards the achievement of that vision.

Does your company need a CVO$%: Maybe. Not all companies need one. Your company does not need a CVO if you are satisfied with the volume of business, if you are satisfied with the velocity of growth, if you are more concerned with taking two strokes off your golf score than reaching for the stars, or if you think of your business as your job instead of your business...

You do need a CVO if you have more ambition than your current velocity of growth, if you have worlds to conquer and want to achieve greatness. So, if you have determined that you need to have a CVO... you might be the company visionary, the person who wears that title. Are you prepared$%:

Can you ask, and then answer the question, "What can we become$%:" Can you close your eyes and visualize your "Company Of The Future$%:" What will your company be like in ten years$%: How much sales volume, how many locations, how many people, how many clients$%: What will it take to reach that ten-year vision and where will you be on that path in five years, then one year, then in just one month into the future$%: Can you visualize or create the activities your company will need to accomplish in order to achieve those goals$%: Can you communicate your energy and ambition to inspire others both within and outside your organization$%: Can you track progress, make mid-course adjustments, and keep fighting forward through good times and bad$%: If so, you've got a new job title or an addition to your current title. See you in the future!

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